2022-06-11 良莠不齐 良莠不齐 拼音: liáng yǒu bù qí 良莠不齐的解释 [grain or chaff;the good and the bad are intermingled; sheep and goats; there are bad as well as good people in the group; there are weeds among seedlings; thread and thrum] 莠:狗尾草... 查看更多 良莠不齐 良莠不齐拼音 良莠不齐五笔 良莠不齐解释 L 5
2022-04-27 良莠不齐 良莠不齐 拼音:liáng yǒu bù qí,简 拼:lybq 良莠不齐的解释 莠:狗尾草,很象谷子,常混在禾苗中。好人坏人都有,混杂在一起。 成语出处: 清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第五十六回:“且说... 查看更多 良莠不齐造句 良莠不齐 良莠不齐出处 成语良莠不齐 L 34